The AI-Powered Civilization Stack

Posted by Mike Walsh ON 9/15/24 7:21 PM

Seoul Mike


There was this magical moment when the robot, having analyzed the skin of its target, gracefully swung into an autonomous ballet of algorithmically delineated motions, artfully mixing ingredients, shaking, and stirring with the deft precision of a London bartender. Moments later, the work was complete: a personalized bottle of bespoke skin foundation. 


I saw this little piece of theatre last week in Seoul at Hera Beauty in the Seoungsu district. Seoul is full of weird and wonderful, immersive retail experiences  - but here is something you might not know: South Korea is the most automated country on the planet today. One out of ten workers in that country is already a robot. 

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The Three Big Shifts Every Leader Needs To Understand

Posted by Mike Walsh ON 1/18/22 9:23 AM



AI-powered organizations will be different, just not in the ways you might expect. When evaluating the impact of new technology, business leaders often focus on the wrong criteria. The real issue is not whether there is a sound business case for cutting costs or increasing productivity through AI and automation, but rather, frankly assessing the disruptive potential of these very same tools and platforms to reshape the dynamics of your market. If not by you, then by who? If not now - then when?

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CATEGORY: Leadership, AI

10 New Rules For A New World

Posted by Mike Walsh ON 7/19/21 5:41 PM



One of the biggest dangers in any disaster is a premature plan for normalcy. As vaccine programs roll out worldwide, organizations and governments are preparing for economic recovery, a return to offices, corporate travel, and a resumption of business as usual. We all need a little optimism, but nostalgia can be as dangerous as disruption. Some doors are one-way only. What if the pandemic was not a crisis but rather a chrysalis?

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CATEGORY: Leadership

The Future Workplace

Posted by Mike Walsh ON 7/13/21 12:44 PM



Should we stay, or should we go? The post-pandemic return to work is fast becoming a controversial and complex issue for leaders to navigate. Everyone has an opinion on the subject. Some are desperate to escape months of Zoom fatigue, while others see little point in commuting for an hour to sit in front of another screen. If that seems like a tough choice, it is because it is a false one. The real issue is not remote vs. office work - it is how do we reinvent the workplace for a new era of AI-powered competition?


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CATEGORY: Data, Culture

What leaders need to know about automation

Posted by Mike Walsh ON 6/12/21 6:50 AM

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Automation is a controversial topic - many leaders are enthusiastic about the potential to cut costs and increase efficiency, while others fear for their jobs and the impact on company culture. Both perspectives are flawed. It is dangerous to reduce the automation debate to simplistic cliches, whether it be defending outdated human jobs or wishing for an AI-powered utopia where all our needs are met. Automation, AI, and algorithms are here to stay. The real question is: how do we make sure the future of work fits the world we want to live in?

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CATEGORY: Data, Leadership, AI

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