
Posted by Mike Walsh

10/25/07 7:04 AM

taggedPlaying with Facebook lately has made me rethink the concept of tagging. Initially I saw it as a kind of distributed classification activity. I tag things on delicious or Flickr out of enlightened self interest. By classifying a photo or an article I make it easier for myself to find it later. The fact that it also makes that piece of content more searchable for everyone else is great, but not really a motivating factor. I have better things to do than be a human search engine. But tagging on Facebook is a bit different. When I add tag my friends on a Facebook photo or video, I'm actually saying 'come and look'. Its not classification but form of attention grabbing. Its a social ping - the personal variant of Technorati buzz. And more proof, if anything, that the essence of the next generation web is pure vanity.
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